Monday, October 13, 2014


"HELLO, this is C.S Clueless along with the freshly bandaged Aaron to cover the rest of the battle of Guildford Courthouse!Thank you Mary Mack for covering for me and A-Aaron. We were lucky enough to see the very end to this heated battle!....Apparently in my absences General Cornwallis made a grave mistake and slaughtered most of his men. As for General Greene he was worried for his men and the gap between the canons so he called for a retreat up Reed Creek road. As the Colonialist fled, Cornwallis is trying to purist,but even the most heartless monster couldn't purist with these many deaths..."
"The death toll for the Colonist is 79 and injuries are about 185 wound while the British army is 93 dead and approximately 413 injured. Cornwallis was last spotted retreating for North Carolina for fresh men and more supplies...some rumors have been circulating that Cornwallis maybe trying to invade Virginia... This is C.S Clueless signing out!    

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